Come clean for what they said - Leading to death H.I.3


The reason Nick Bennett is deceased now 


The wireless brutal killing of Nick Bennett

September 1, 1985 - October 14, 2023 

Born in North Bay in Ontario. Died in Montreal in Quebec Canada 

Come clean for what they said - Leading to death H.I.3



They also wanted to take him down in the courts then brutally attack him wirelessly to death while holding him in a Government facility using false claims against fact to justify disregarding his real life experiences & what he was like then his interests in life during the process 

Nick was to come clean for what they said wireless lyrics while trying to live his regular adult life interrupting him taking over his body vocally, physically & psychologically administering normal, detention & execution practices sabotaging him socially & physically while destroying his health & skeleton - internal organs

Nick died slowly & painfully while focused on his wife Tekari & son then the group she belonged to as a result of this activity

Nick Bennett, Jordan of PWC Canada's brother was killed because of this between the time he moved to his Ottawa apartment then to Kelowna to a townhouse ehe rented then a Calgary apartment where he purchased a house to raise children yet rented it out while the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay had worked tirelessly on a 24/7 basis to brutally rape, torture & terrorize Nick to death between 2012 November - 2023 October where he died in a hospital in Montreal

Nick had lived in Vancouver, Calgary, Kelowna, Ottawa & Niagara Region then Melbourne in Australian before dying in Montreal in Quebec Canada

The responsible parties operating with & at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay decided they were going to use the opinions of people that met & did not meet Nick then some that were in his life than others that were not including past female dating partners & those in his changing social circles over time plus those at work places

This extended to false sexuality claims yet he was a male, male born strictly heterosexual male only then false mental state claims by mentally & criminally insane assh*le enemies of his in Canada that expected to look superior while through him down destroying his image, character, credibility & reputation

Come clean for what they said - Leading to death H.I.3

Nick could not come clean for what they said as what they said about him & his life cycles of experiences they were holding him to were made up scenarios using assumptions considered fact using a probably because of assumption going against fact so he was attacked viciously repeatedly while those responsible used hundreds into thousands of excuses to justify going against fact banding together collectively as different power in numbers strategies 

Nick was murdered for nothing by over 1000 people banding together with the responsible neurological technology lab between 1990's-2023 


He obtained his College - University credentials & worked different positions before working for CIG The CommonWealth Group out of Montreal 

Nick was a perfectly normal male that was educated in Business - Commerce & had Shelly Hawksbury, Jackie Keller & Tekari Yoshimoto as his female spouses as an adult before his October 14, 2023 

Nick kept travel apartments then then a few residential propertis along with his investment portfolio he developed since age 16 prior to his death at age 38

He had later owned a home in Melbourne in Australia then one in Montreal in Quebec Canada while he almost considered co-owning a property with Carly, Sydney, Nikki, Nicole & Patrick in Calgary in Alberta Canada in the past 

Nick was perfectly normal, of no non-visible or visible disability - handicap & of no allergies or any medical conditions

Nick had left behind his 11 year old son (2023). He was also a surrogate for two of three daughters Sydney & Carly had now ages 19, 20 & 21 while his estate portfolio is shared between his son, the girls & his sons mother  


Neurological Technology Labs housing any wireless equipment illegally connected to the bodies of any CIG The CommonWealth Group members 

If the Rothschild family & approved families cannot have you incarcerated permanently for life & all your assets drained. Material & liquid cash or investments your getting killed between 2023-2025


Banded together between 2012-2023 to attempt to discredit, isolate & execute Dr Carly Koslov - Sumner, Dr Sydney Rothschild & Nick Bennett B.Com 

The interests involved & connecting successfully murdered Nick Bennett B.Com while they refused to stop attempting to murder Dr Carly Koslov - Sumner, Dr Sydney Rothschild & the remainder of those invested in CIG The CommonWealth Group wirelessly through their heads wirelessly

The responsible parties banding together have now cost CIG The CommonWealth Group invested interests hundreds of millions of dollars leading to over a billion now in 2023 plus the life of Nick Bennett B.Com while multiple interests in or connected to the group including Dr Carly Koslov - Sumner, Dr Sydney Rothschild have sustained serious severe injuries & attempts on their lives dating back before 2012 & daily between 2012-2023 

Criminal acts the responsible neurological technology labs are guilty of

Abuse - Sexual or non-Sexual 
Assault - Sexual or non-Sexual 
Harassment - Sexual or non-Sexual 
Forceful confinement - entrapment 
Terror - terrorism

Abuse causing bodily harm:

Bashing, disrespecting, trashing, provoking, aggravating, tormenting, terrorizing while mocking & immaturely making fun of, superiority complexes to control above looking down on in a condescendingly offensive way using assumptions against fact, bullying, socially sabotaging, injuring repeatedly from mild, moderate to severe & extreme 

Singing & screaming into the skull - ears & through the mouth

Ordering off their planet then deeming a guest on their planet not welcome on their planet 

Espionage - Spying. Leaking private information out

Touching internal organs including genitalia, rectum & anus wirelessly from the inside out then efforts to blur vision, shine lights through & to bulge eyes while screaming into the skull - ears then contract & expand the brain or other internal organs while takin control of muscles & organ function 

False representation negatively affecting image, character, credibility & reputation

Identity theft 

Uttering threats on behalf & towards 
Conspiracy to commit murder
Attempted murder 

Singing & speaking in song themes using hundreds of psychological warfare tactics banding with over one thousand people at rhe responsible neurological technology lab to accomplish 

Operating handlers 

Accomplices operating connected outside the location 24/7 through different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication 



These are to go to the estate of for his wife Dr Tekari Sumner & his son then the two ladies he was a surrogate to 

The people responsible for murdering him which attempted to take the lives of Dr Carly Koslov - Sumner & Dr Sydney Rothschild between 2012-2023 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating between the 1990's-2011 should be charged criminally, sued for financial damages & incarcerated for life or killed 

Where the group is physically October 16, 2023

Carly - Nikki Koslov Sumner

Tekari Sumner
Patrick - Nicole  -  Rothschild 

- Montreal, Quebec, Canada 

Sydney Rothschild 

- Scarborough Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

Only Dr Sydney Rothschild & Dr Carly Koslov - Sumner are affected persons of the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay & other labs connecting


CIG - Rothschild 
