How it is to work with Dr Sydney Bennett


How it is to work with Dr Sydney Bennett


Cypress International Biotechnology - Neuro-Tech 

Despite being unmanned & under controlled environment issue only


Dr Sydney Bennett operates with since early 2000's

An A-list celebrity Hollywooder approach to working 

Assuming everywhere is a green room & green screen

Dr Sydney Bennett as subject is the talented person focus. City is the star 

Software - consciously controlled & team controlled 

Human team 

Operating handlers that work based on Dr Sydney Bennett's requests with not overpower & take control harming 

We go through different practices & capabilities safely using basic, mid to advanced training in exercise then apply it in real life like settings  

Limitations. Strengths & weaknesses 


Your the star & focus point yet you know who you agree to work with

You forgo privacy & the team can see your internal organs, body head to toe plus mental state: thought, imagination & memories birth - present time 

We use Hollywood & the film set approach to a controlled environment from unmanned natural to partially to fully manned safely as it is the most effective 

Self directing & directing or directed 


We use advanced military training mixed with 11-25 hours + blogger pages alongside Hollywood hybrid method acting to operate rotational neuro-tech agents strategically 

Acting is without question number one 

The subjects have to be incredibly good actors naturally unmanned with really good body control  

Natural personality & identity then applied styles 

Film & television + fashion knowledge alongside an advanced University level education with developed knowledge & skill set in different areas 

Understanding emotions & social vocal, psychological - mental conditioning 


Cypress International Biotechnology operates with some of the best industry talent & most advanced intelligence professionals on earth in research & for Field operations  

Main detachable & permanent devices 

Intermidiary devices 

- Actual device disguised to trace affected persons or to hook them up 

- Laser through eyes to trace affected persons or to hook them up 

Laser connections prove not to cause shorter or long term health concerns yet drains energy in subjects yet it is very effective in sending a wireless signal through the bodies eyes to the head-brain of an affected person or to see if they are & or to hook their body up

Cypress subject bodies can be used covertly to accomplish this in an undetectable way 

Disguised devices can trace signals of multiple persons at one time in a crowd or hook their bodies up while laser - through eyes can focus only on one person or biological object at one time 

Laser is like shining a light through the eyes witelessly from the inside out just a wireless laser which has advanced capabilities in wireless biological body to device connection 

Some devices require an injectable material to connect the body yet modern advanced laser technology does not require 

Detachable technology can be used to connect a body leaving it unmanned to extract memory for review without the person knowing then detach within hours or under 72 hours unless left monitored for longer periods of time 

The subject can be manned without realizing seamlessly or in different ways where they will be aware but unable to trace location of the device & likely unable to understand how to react  


Dr Sydney Bennett is very professional in this Field while other neurological technology operations often operate in a similar way or separately with different purpose 

Standards, policies, laws & strict practices & standards 

CIG & R BENNETT EMPIRE ---------------------------

Patrick R Bennett & Dr Sydney R Bennett are next in line under Peter & Mary R Bennett in control over CIG & the family empire while if Syd & Nicole separate amicably they still hold the same positions in the family & investment group regardless in support of each other together

1976 & 1985 births. Cities rule 

Of 30 Royal & 5000 Elite families 

Rothschild - Bennett - Savage bloodline 


Rothschild - Bennett 
